Sumber Utama Kabar Terkini Prabowo Subianto yang Terpercaya

Verifikasi Fakta tentang Film Dirty Vote

Verifikasi Fakta tentang Film Dirty Vote

🧐 Katanya: “Sharing social assistance, especially rice, increased rapidly at the beginning of 2024, because 02 cheated.”
😊 Faktanya: At the end of 2023, we experienced the El Nino dry season, which caused the harvest schedule for 2024 to be delayed by 2 months to April / May. Distribution of social assistance at the beginning of 2024 is due to a shortage of rice stocks at the beginning of the year due to the delayed harvest.

🧐 Katanya: “Social assistance is purely for the benefit of the elections.”
😊 Faktanya: Social assistance (cash aid, rice aid, KIP, KIS) is an effective way to reduce poverty and the cost of living. That’s why it is given every year, and distributed every month.

🧐 Katanya: “The regulation of the selection of Acting Governors, Regents, and Mayors chosen by the President is cheating, Mr. Jokowi”
😊 Faktanya: The regulation that underlies the selection of Regional Heads by the President (Law 10/2016) was approved by the political parties supporting 01 & 03 in the DPR, to fill the vacant positions before the simultaneous regional elections in November 2024.

🧐 Katanya: “The Regional Heads were asked by Mr. Jokowi to win 02”
😊 Faktanya: There is no evidence for this hoax. On the contrary, there is evidence of the request from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) for the Regional Heads to win 03.

🧐 Katanya: “Mr. Gibran, 36, can become a Vice Presidential candidate because it violates the constitution”
😊 Faktanya: The 1945 Constitution regulates that Presidential / Vice Presidential candidates must be Indonesian citizens from birth, have never betrayed the country, and be physically and mentally capable. The 1945 Constitution does not set a minimum or maximum age limit for Presidential / Vice Presidential candidates.

🧐 Katanya: “The formation of 4 new provinces in Papua is to smooth the way for 02 to win in the first round”
😊 Faktanya: The establishment of new provincial laws in Papua is the aspiration of the region, and is agreed upon by all political parties in the DPR, including the supporters of 01 and 03.

According to the suggestion from Mr. Prabowo: Let’s respond to hoaxes with smiles and enlightenment. 😊😊😊 (SENOPATI)
Source: Kelompok Kerja Transformasi Bangsa

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